

  • Integrated seismic investigations across the Mersey Estuary, Halton District, UK. Lenham, J.W., McDonald, R., Miller, S., and Reynolds, J.M. Quarterly Journal of Engineering Geology & Hydrogeology, 38, 2005.
  • Gas monitoring in urban boreholes, Cardiff, 1995-2002. Harris, C. & Turner, M. Urban Geology of Wales, 2, 2005.
  • The terrestrial shallow seismic reflection technique applied to the characterization and assessment of shallow sedimentary environments. Brabham, P.J., Thomas, J. & McDonald, R.J. Quarterly Journal of Engineering Geology & Hydrogeology, 38, 2005.
  • Morphology of ash aggregates from wet pyroclastic surges of the 1982 eruption of El Chichón Volcano, Mexico. Scolamacchia T., Macías J. L. , Sheridan, M. F. & Hughes, S. R., Bulletin of Volcanology, 68, 2005.
  • Analysis of magnetic gradient data from a contaminated site in South Wales. Russill, N. & Pringle, J.  Proceedings of Environmental and Industrial Geophysics Group, Geophysics and Brownfield Sites, Feb 2005.
  • New geophysical methods of investigating the nature and distribution of mountain permafrost with special reference to radiometry techniques. Vonder Muhll, D., Hauck, C., Gubler, H., McDonald, R. & Russill, N. Permafrost and Periglacial Processes 12, 2001.
  • An integrated geophysical study to map mountain permafrost. Hauck, C., Vonder Muhll, D., Russill, N. & Isaksen, K. A case study from Norway. Proceedings of the 6th EEGS conference, 2000.
  • Late Holocene Peléan-style eruption at Tacaná volcano, Mexico and Guatemala: Past, present and future hazards. Macias, J. L., Espindola, J. M., Garcia-Palomo, A., Scott, K. M., Hughes, S.R., Mora, J. C.  Bulletin of the Geological Society of America, 112, 2000.
  • Sedimentary facies from ground-penetrating radar surveys of the modern, upper Burdekin river of north Queensland, Australia: Consequences of extreme discharge fluctuations. Fielding C.R., Alexander J. & McDonald R.J. Spec. Publs int. Ass. Sediment, vol. 28, 1999.
  • The use of shallow seismic techniques to characterize sub-surface Quaternary deposits: the example of Porth Neigwl, Gwynedd, N.Wales. Brabham P.J., McDonald R.J. & McCarroll, D. Quaternary Journal of Engineering Geology, 32, 1999.
  • New data on a paleoseismic studies of South Kamchatka Peninsula, Russia. Kurbatov, A. V., Bian, L., Bursik, M. I., Hughes, S. R., Kirianov, Yu, V., Churikov, V.A. EOS Transactions, 80, F927, 1999.
  • Experimental modeling of bedforms found in pyroclastic surge deposits. Hughes, S. R. & Bursik, M. I. EOS Transactions, 80, F1122, 1999.
  • The use of thermomagnetic parameters to identify tephra. Zubov, A. G., Yu, V., Hughes S. R. EOS Transactions, 80, F1190, 1999.
  • A Geophysical investigation of saline intrusion and geological structure beneath areas of tidal coastal wetland at Langstone Harbour, Hampshire, UK.: McDonald, R.J., Russill, N.R.W., Miliorizos, M & Thomas, J.W.: Groundwater Pollution, Aquifer Recharge and Vulnerability, Ed. N.S.Robins: Geology Society Special Publication No. 130, 1998.
  • The potential of on-shore multichannel high-resolution shallow seismic techniques when applied to coastal site investigation: Brabham, P.J. & McDonald, R.J.: Modern geophysics in Engineering Geology: Eds. McCann, Eddleston, Fenning & Reeves: Geological Society Engineering Geology Special Publication No. 12, 1997
  • Application of geophysical techniques to the investigation of hazardous and radioactive waste sites: McDonald, R.J., Miliorizos, M., Booth, P.M. & Russill, N.R.W.: Proceedings of the European Eng. Geology Conf.. University of Newcastle, UK, 10 – 13 September, 1997.
  • Automated gravity terrain corrections using satellite stereo-pairs: Davies, R., O’Neill, M. & McDonald, R.J.: Proceedings of the Engineering and Environmental Geophysics Society – European Symposium, Aarhus University, Denmark, 1997.
  • Application of seismic methods to ground engineering problems: McDonald, R.J.: Ground Engineering, Vol. 29, May, 1996.
  • Hydrodynamic and Sedimentation in the Burry Inlet, Observations from the present and recent past: Thomas, J. W., Cramp, A. & Brabham P.J.: Burry Inlet and Loughor Estuary Symposium – State of the Estuary Report Part 2,  March 1995.
  • On-shore geophysical survey methods applied to coastal and waterway site investigation. Brabham, P.J. & McDonald, R.J.: 30th annual conference of the Engineering Group of the Geological Society. University of Liege, Belgium, 12 -15 September, 1994.
  • Imaging a buried river channel in an intertidal area of South Wales using high resolution seismic techniques: Brabham, P.J. & McDonald, R.J.: Quarterly Journal of Engineering Geology, November 1992.
  • Locating contaminant flow paths and areas of unstable ground within a coastal landfill using geophysics: McDonald, R. J. & Russill, N.R.W.: The Engineering Geology of Waste Disposal, Annual Meeting of South Wales Ground Engineering Group (ICE), Cardiff, July 1993
  • Combined seismic reflection and refraction methods in coastal engineering site investigations: McDonald, R.J., Brabham, P.J. & Brooks, M.: Proceedings of the symposium on the application of Geophysics to Engin. and Env. Problems 1992. Society of Engineering & mineral Exploration Geophysicists, Golden, CO. USA. 26th April 1992, Oakbrook, Illinois.